I’ve Been Nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

I am surprised, thrilled, tickled, happy – just completely amazed, that I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I have always been amazed at the idea of strangers from all around the world stumbling across something I’ve written – and vice versa – and actually enjoying and/or connecting with what I’ve had to say in some way. While I don’t cover a specific catagory of content, and my writing style is … erm … shall we say unique, I’ve yet to be assaulted on any front. Instead, I feel the blogging community that WordPress has allowed to form is one of the best around.

It goes without saying that I want to humbly thank Raistlin0903 from Michels Book/Boardgame/Movie review blog for the nomination. If you haven’t found Raistlin’s blog yet, click that link and go give some love where love is deserved. And thank you, Raistlin0903 for the opportunity to even be considered for such an award!



  • Thank the person(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or on your blog

And these are the answers to the questions I got asked….

The Questions

1. How long have you been blogging, and what made you get started in the first place? I have been blogging, on and off, since January 2008. I had just stumbled across the blogging world and started the new year with the idea of chronicling … something. I went through various attempts at narrowing my focus down to one subject, but I’m just not able to focus myself that way.

2. Say that you could interview someone on your blog, who would it be, and why him/her? Without a doubt, Stephen King. The greatest author of all time. I wouldn’t even care if we talked about anything, I’d just sit and listen to him talk about whatever. I love to listen to people talk that have stories to tell. King has also been my biggest influence as far as writing goes.

3. What is your favorite Anime/Movie/Tv show of alltime? If I’m put on the spot like that, I’d have to say Tombstone as my favorite movie of all time. I can go back and watch it over and over and love every second of it from beginning to end.

4. Do you own any merchandise? If so, what is the thing that you like the most in your collection? Unfortunately I lack the time, room and money to own merchandise any more. Long story behind what I use to own, and that can be found tucked between some blog posts here and there. I suppose if I had to point out one thing that’s stuck with me through the years, I’d say that I still have one of those Hamilton Collection collectors plates for ST:TNG’s Best of Both Worlds two-parter. My grandmother bought a whole set for me in my ST fan period, and I still have that one plate. It’s pretty awesome.

5. Is there anything you would like to do someday, but just have not yet been able to accomplish? Publish a book, fiction – somewhere in the fantasy/horror genre possibly.

6. What is the post you are most proud of, and why is that? I suppose the one that popped out first in my mind would be That Other Guy, and at a close 2nd would be my realization post about my weight, It’s What I Like To Call “A Turning Point.

7. Has there ever been a post on your blog that you have regretted writing? If so, why is that? Several posts I’ve regretted writing. Those posts are gone, though. They involved a very nasty family argument. The person that wrote those posts has moved on and been left way behind.

8. Why did you get interested in Movies/Anime? Movies I’ve always been interested in as a way to escape. To just sit back in a dark room and get lost in the action/drama/humor. Anime, however, was forced upon me – at my request – by a friend and coworker who was big into it at the time. My introductory series, of course, was Evangelion, then he moved me into Ah! My Goddess, You’re Under Arrest, The Slayers, Bubble Gum Crisis etc.

9. Do you have any goals that you would like to ultimately achieve with your blog? Just to continue to share my daily life, things I find interesting, and pass on any motivation for others from my posts.

10. What if you could star in your own Anime/Movie? What kind of Anime/Movie would it be, and who would you play? It would be a sci-fi series, armored warriors, possibly mechs involved. I’d start out in the first series as one of the warriors, but a cliffhanger near-death injury would find me carrying the mantle of behind the scenes leader come the 2nd series. Of course, there would be the obligatory episode where I’d have to don my old armor and go save someone at some point, but then I’d leave the hard work to the younger generation and just oversee things in a gruff manner.

11. What was the worst Anime/Movie that you have ever seen? There was an alien invasion movie on Netflix several years ago. It was so bad … so, so, so bad. I forget the name. Only watched it maybe 30 minutes in then had to cut it off. Oh man, it was bad.

Now, here are my nominations:



The Ninth Life

Keith Garrett Poetry

Banded Carolina Girl


Confessions of a Readaholic

World of Ares

Autumn Almighty

From Page to Screen

Cafe Book Bean

Thank you all for sharing. I appreciate that each of you takes the time to share something you love with complete strangers. Don’t stop doing what you do because you never know when something will mean a world of difference to someone else’s life.

And now for your questions. I have tweaked the questions above a bit so that everyone might be able to answer them. So, here they are, and of course I look forward to your answers.

1. How long have you been blogging, and what made you get started in the first place?

2. Say that you could interview someone on your blog, who would it be, and why him/her?

3. What is your favorite Anime/Movie/Tv show of alltime?

4. Are you a collector of anything? If so, what is the thing that you like the most in your collection?

5. Is there anything you would like to do someday, but just have not yet been able to accomplish ?

6. What is the post you are most proud of, and why is that?

7. Has there ever been a post on your blog that you have regretted writing? If so, why is that?

8. Why did you get interested in Movies/Anime/Books?

9. Do you have any goals that you would like to ultimately achieve with your blog?

10. What if you could star in your own Movie? What kind of Movie would it be, and who would you play?

11. What was the worst Movie/Book that you have ever seen/read?