Planning a Re-Watching of The Doctor

I’m currently on Series 3’s “The Human Effect,” of Doctor Who and have decided that when this run is finished, I’m going to go back and watch it all again.  From the first Christopher Eccleston episode to the end of David Tennant’s run as The Doctor.  Each episode will generate a review on this blog and hopefully vary greatly from the standard facts you can pull from Wikipedia.  In fact, I dare say it will differ because I’ll be giving you my hair-brained opinions as someone going back for seconds. 

The one thing I dare speak about the third season: I can’t stand Martha Jones!

Playing Catch Up

So, my last Post-A-Day post was the 25th, which means I have been slacking for three days.  So, to make up for that break in my daily goal, I have three posts to present today.  Two of these were already in my queue of content I had been working on, and there are still 2 more to go, including my opinion of the Lost finale.  My third post, which would be for today, is this filler post commenting on my current projects and goals!  Nice how that works out, eh?

I was staring at the main blog page yesterday and realized how plain and boring it looked.  I’m considering adding pictures to my posts, spice it up a bit and give it a little color and a reference point when discussing a particular subject.  I like the “theme” of the page, nice and simple, not too cluttered, but I’m one of those folks that change themes almost daily.  Trying to stick with one instead of switching that sucker up every day.

Thank you to any and all visitors, I see you swinging by on my little statistics bar, and appreciate your time, whether you like it or not.  I’m always open for suggestions!

“What Time Does My Book Start?”

The big thing use to be turning books into movies.  Now, it’s turning books into television series! 

FX’s Justified, which I am sadly hearing very little about and take as a bad sign, is based on Elmore Leonard’s U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens.  I have only seen 3 episodes of this series due to my schedule, but really enjoyed the characters and storyline.

Other television series that are currently in production are based on George R. R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” fantasy series and the graphic novel “The Walking Dead,” by Robert Kirkman.

The Walking Dead series was picked up by Frank Darabont (The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption), and will be released by AMC.  “Dead” follows the story of a group of survivors after a mysterious zombie apocalypse.  The main star, Rick Grimes, is a police officer who was shot and has been in the hospital in a coma.  He awakes to this new world alone and not knowing what has happened to his friends, family or the world in general.

Great premise, great series of graphic novels.  AMC has picked up 6 episodes that are filming over the course of the Summer.  The cast, so far, includes: Jeffrey DeMunn, Sarah Wayne Callies, Andrew Lincoln (who will play Rick Grimes), Jon Bernthal and Brandon Routh.

Search as I might, news on the HBO series of the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series is hard to come by.  Most news is based on information from last year, and I can’t find hardly any recent news.  The series is still in production, as far as I know, and is listed for HBO’s 2011 schedule.  A website, AirLock Alpha, has a fairly recent article that is worth a read concerning production. 

Casting for the series, known as “A Game of Thrones,” which is the first book in the series, includes Sean Bean, Lena Heady, Peter Dinklage and Mark Addy.

Excellent works in progress and I hope they get a fair shot.  HBO is pretty good about sticking with shows and isn’t really known for producing failures.  AMC, I’m really not sure about, but the fact that they ordered 6 episodes of “Dead” without even having seen the pilot could be promising.

Keep yours eyes open for future news and updates across the internet concerning these projects.

I Don’t Listen To Your Podcast For The Brown-Nosing

I am a World of Warcraft addict.  I’m an alt-a-holic.  I also enjoy listening to podcasts dedicated to the subject, listening to the opinions and viewpoints, but mostly for the banter between friends while they discuss changes or flaws to the game.  One podcast stands out above the rest in terms of quality, production values, format, etc … or at least that’s a somewhat popular opinion.  That podcast is The Instance.  I still listen to The Instance, but I don’t enjoy it as much now as I use to “back in the day.” 

It certainly isn’t the information that comes from the hosts, Scott and Randy, that has lowered my interest.  They consistently push out the standard news, rumors and other information like robots, then throw in their two-cents.  It isn’t even their opinions about the subject matter that I disagree with or have suddenly grown tired of. It’s their attitudes.  They’ve gone from an up and coming podcast dedicated to the subject of WoW and transformed into a dedicated podcast that is bogged down by the dozen or more “segments” and skits of people trying to come up with the next big thing.  I usually turn the podcast off before even the first bit of the last 30 minutes of call-ins and submissions even begin. 

Scott and Randy are also constantly hinting about their knowing someone who works with Blizzard, or Figureprints, or this and that and the other.  Great, you got inside, connections, but really, knowing that and sharing it doesn’t make me like you or enjoy the show better.  It’s like listening to someone, fresh off a vacation, who just happened to see a celebrity walking down the other side of the street and wants everyone to know it.  I really don’t care if CamelHoof002 works for Blizzard and told you guys something.  I don’t care if you know the President, CEO and Founder of Figureprints personally and he gave you an inside look at how things go down in their factory.  And, for the love of all that is good, stop pandering to Blizzard.  It isnt’ even funny anymore when you throw “hints” about how you’d love to have a character in-game named after yours, or a stuffed tiger that looks like your in-game pet.  If you want to beg for that stuff, do it off the air to your buddies. 

The Instance has probably one of the largest communities out there dedicated to this game.  They are buddies, pals, friends, etc.  The Instance and its hosts can do no wrong, and if they do and someone calls them out on it, well, it’s an insult fest come next episode.  Get over yourselves, guys, and get back to doing a real podcast, not some glitz and glamour show about how right you are and how wrong everyone else that questions you might be.

Every episode I listen to I say is going to be my last, yet I keep listening, hoping I’ll hear a glint of what use to be.  Hasn’t happened yet, and I’m sad to say I’ll probably keep holding out hope.

Alternative podcasts for folks who may not know of them: The Pugcast and Outlandish are two of my favorites at the moment.  They are tagged Explicit, but the banter between cohosts is classic and entertaining 99% of the time. 

Somebody Throw That Girl A Cheeseburger!

In case you haven’t heard, Megan Fox was fired from Transformers 3 last week.  I’m sure her comparing director Michael Bay to Hitler and talking about how hard he was to work for had nothing to do with any of it.  Anyways, they have already announced her replacement.  Yes, it is another anorexic looking model for little girls to try and imitate.  Her name is Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, a Victoria’s Secret model.

Pic and short story available from IGN: New Transformers Babe Revealed